Helsinki Casting & Actors Academy Co-workshop
Valmiina Kameran Eteen! -kurssi
Nita Arpiaisen ohjauksessa
August 19 - 20, 2024
Helsinki, Finland
This workshop is currently sold out but you can check out our other workshops on the WORKSHOPS page. Due to the high demand for this workshop, we have created a second edition of the Valmiina Kameran Eteen -workshop and it will be held September 16-17. This workshop has only ONE SPOT left. You can book it here.
Next workshop: Authentic Me Meisner Technique with Nita Arpiainen
September 10th-11th
If you are interested to join the next one or our other similar workshops, please leave your contact details by clicking the button below and we can inform you directly when the next one is open for bookings.
Ps. Don't miss out on the opportunity to apply for our next part-time One Year Training that will start in October 2024. The application is currently open, but will close as soon as the right students have been selected and the group is full.
Oletko innostunut ja kiinnostunut näyttelemisestä mutta toivoisit lisää itsevarmuutta ja kokemusta aiheeseen sekä kameran edessä olemiseen? Tämä kaksi-iltainen, lämmin ja lähetyttävä kurssi on avoin kaikille, ja opastaa sinut luonnollisen näyttelemisen ja vapaamman ilmaisun äärelle.
Yhteys, kuuntelu, läsnäolo - mistä ne syntyvät? Tule kokeilemaan, etsimään ja löytämään turvallisessa ympäristössä yhdessä muiden kanssa, sekä saamaan vinkkejä ja luottamusta aiheeseen. Kurssilla opetellaan päästämään irti liiasta paineesta ja yrittämisestä, ja harjoitellaan luottamaan itseen sekä omiin aitoihin impulsseihin. Tavoitteena luonnollisemman näyttelemisen lisäksi myös tuoda tekemiseen iloa ja vapautta.
Monday 16:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 21:00
Ibiza Retreat in January? Come and join an unforgettable holistic retreat in Ibiza with our founder Nita Arpiainen. This praised Authentic Me Ibiza Retreat will be the third of its kind in this beautiful and magical island of Ibiza. Click here for more info.
Kurssilla tehdään monipuolisia harjoitteita joista osa pohjaa suosittuun Meisner-tekniikkaan. Oppilaat työskentelevät pareina yhden kohtauksen parissa, ja tekstiä lähestytään vapauttavan ‘cold reading’ -harjoituksen kautta. Kohtauksen käsittelyyn opetellaan helppo keino lähestyä tekstiä sekä luoda siihen yhteys. Toisena kurssipäivänä kohtauksia harjoitellaan ja kuvataan kameran edessä. Helsinki Castingin castaajat tutustuvat jälkikäteen kurssilla kuvattuihin näyttelijöiden videoihin ja oppilaat saavat kuvatut materiaalit myös omakseen.
Kurssin vetäjänä toimii Actros Academy Finlandin perustaja ja näyttelijävalmentaja Nita Arpiainen.
Kurssi sopii aloitteleville näyttelijöille, tai näyttelijöille jotka haluavat saada lisää vapautta ja itsevarmuutta omaan esiintymiseensä ja kameran edessä olemiseen. Et tarvitse aikaisempaa kokemusta - kurssi on avoin kaikille. Kurssi sopii myös heille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneet Meisner-tekniikan alkeista.
• Hinta: 215€ (sis. alv. 24%
• Ajankohta: 19.- 20.8.2024 / Maanantai & Tiistai 16:00 - 21:00
• Paikka: Actors Academy Studio Pursimiehenkatu 26H, Helsinki
• Ilmoittautumiset yllä olevasta 'BOOK THIS EVEN' -linkistä
• Paikkoja rajoitetusti. Varmistat paikkasi ilmoittautumalla yllä olevan linkin kautta. Paikat täytetään ilmoittautumisjärjestyksessä.
• Ilmoittautuminen on sitova. Voit perua osallistumisen 30 päivää ennen kurssia 50% palautusta vastaan, tai välittää paikkasi toiselle osallistujalle.
• Kurssi on avoin kaikille - et tarvitse aikaisempaa kokemusta osallistuaksesi.
• Oikeudet muutoksiin pidätetään.
• If you don't speak Finnish but would like to join, please contact us by email.
Huom. Actors Academy Finlandin seuraava osa-aikainen vuosikurssi käynnistyy syyskuussa ja haku kurssille on vielä hetken auki joten toimi asap jos haluat hakea mukaan koulutukseen! Lisätiedot ja haku tällä sivulla.
Nita Arpiainen is an acting coach, actor and a holistic coach and the founder of Actors Academy Finland. In her previous careers she has been a professional snowboarder and also worked as a TV presenter and producer. Nita's deep passion and curiosity for acting, learning and personal growth is the underlying motivation for AAF to come alive. The vision for AAF was formed while Nita attended numerous acting schools and workshops in London at the Actors Studio, Giles Forman Acting Studio, City Academy and the Actors Temple to name a few, ultimately falling profoundly in love with the Meisner Technique, and it making a powerful and lasting impact on the way she viewed not just acting, but life and relationships as well. Her first studies and the journey into the world of the wonderful and forever-inspiring world of Meisner Technique started in 2015, and she has been lucky to have worked and learned with many great international teachers along the years.
"The experience was fenomenal for me. It was true and unique existing in a special moment and people. The workshop was very beneficial for me because I got a chance to connect again with my inner soul. I truly cherish this experience and am very thankful for it. Nita was absolutely fantastic. A true soul and an artist with genuine desire to share, help and guide with love and compassion. The best aspects in the workshop were the unique and honest work and safe surroundings to be and work in. I will and already have recommended this workshop to my colleagues." - Timo-Pekka Luoma
"This single Meisner workshop was one of the most emotional and powerful things that has ever happened to me. It has been a month, I still think about the experience, and it makes me smile. The connections between people - I never knew that this is even possible and I am sincerely happy to know now that it is, that this magical world exists. I feel different now, I smile a lot more, I am a lot more curious about people and I definitely do want to explore more. Thank you for all of this!"
- Paul
"Nita's holistic way of coaching is absolutely inspiring! Nita doesn't let you go easy but the way she pushes one to go beyond one's comfort zone is very gentle and also insightful. Nita makes everyone feel welcome and accepted just as they are. Also the way Nita encourages everyone to stick together and encourage one another within the group, is a beautiful thing."- Jonna
"Something really shifted for me during this workshop. It was shocking to see how often we cover our real feelings with a smile, for example, and oh so liberating to explore some of the deeper emotions. I feel like I finally have the capability and “permission” to express myself more freely and I’m taking that with me to where appropriate. I find Nita’s ability to create and hold space for people to open up and get vulnerable so quickly really something! And she’ll push you past your comfort zone, I like that! Five out of five stars from me. If anything, I’d like the workshop days to be longer."
- Aivar
"Nita - your course shook me to the core in the best possible way. I never knew that this sort of connection between people is even possible
and you showed me (or rather you shoved me into) this magical world.
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I will be forever thankful for this."
- Anti
"Stepping into being fully yourself with your guidance was really amazing to feel. These exercises where we were fully present, being with another in a truthful honest connection, as well as experiencing how it feels to be in front of a crowd, being observed - was a fantastic journey. To also feel the other participants so truthfully was really touching. Your guided meditation at the end felt breathtaking. It touched me and opened my heart and feelings. The workshop has already helped me in my life in many ways. Being my truthful self has immediately brought much deeper and authentic friendships for me even in the business world. Nita you are full of love and purpose in your work. You activate people in living truly form their hearts and I thank you so much for this. The workshop changed a lot in my life, and because of you I can be more of me than ever before."
- Hansi
"I was shaken in the best way possible by Nita’s workshop. I learned so much about myself as a performer and it opened for me an entirely different way to approach the craft of acting. Even with a group of persons that I had never met before I felt safe, connected, and free to explore my capabilities as an actor. I would so recommend this workshop to anyone and everyone! Even if you are not an actor, it is a way to tap back into the humanness of the self. FIVE STARRRRZZZZ!"
- Marja
"Thank you very much for the workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Nita was a very patient, compassionate coach. The workshop was intensive and challenged everyone to be brave and open to the unknown depth and dynamics of our rich inner life. Nita made sure that we felt safe and supported in doing so. What I find most useful and important in the Meisner training is its focus on the other. By being utterly present with the other, I can be free to feel the emotions that arise from the circumstances, authentic feelings, not manufactured in my head. I think this sense of inner liberation in authentic human connection is something anyone can benefit from, not just actors. I can only wish that the course like this would be available more often and for longer periods."
- Yuko
"I absolutely loved it. It changed me forever and I can’t wait to have more of it. I so needed to go to those places within me and feel liberated and I am literally so hungry to learn more and make use of those tools in my career. Nita is a wonderful soul and guide and I’m so grateful to have met her. Thank you thank you thank you!”
- Mayela
"Nita you are a pure diamond in this Universe. Thank you so much!
I was scared when I entered the studio on Friday, about to spend two days with total strangers and the to be honest the idea to reveal the inner me to those fellow students felt scary as fuck. But as terrifying as it was - now I just want to learn and explore more. I am so grateful for the whole workshop. I feel free, I feel brave and weightless. I feel so present and I feel more ready for the whole life than in ages - so it was magnificent. So whether you’re interested in acting, or just exploring what’s inside, digging deeper or interested in human behaviour, I highly recommend it. Oh and what comes to Actors Academy Finland and Nita - solid five stars! So yeah, go for it people, it’s totally going to be worth it.”
- Tintti
"This two day Meisner technique workshop with Nita was way more eye opening- or I should say heart opening than what I had thought it would be. I only have a glimpse of the repetition method now but I already feel like I opened up as an actress - and more - also as a person. After the first day I wrote down things I realized about authentic acting through this method and after the second day I wrote about three pages about everything I learnt about my feelings and my relationships through this method. Now I want to do more Meisner to become a better actress. Thank you for the course Nita!"
- Iiris
"Thank you Nita for the course. It's wonderful how it just dropped on my path and was something that I had longed for and needed, even though I wasn't yet aware of that. These few nights woke something in me that I didn't know existed. Thank you, thanks for your authenticity and for all the wonderfulness these evenings were. I learned a lot.”
- Sara
See more testimonials about Nita here.