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Authentic Me Retreat Ibiza


January 12 - 18, 2025

Ibiza, Spain


Join us for an unforgettable holistic retreat in Ibiza with our founder Nita Arpiainen. This praised Authentic Me Ibiza Retreat will be the third of its kind in this beautiful and magical island of Ibiza.
This Meisner Technique based retreat will help you access and awaken the most important skills of both the actor as well as human being: authentic connection and listening, truthful presence and moment-to-moment living, the courage to follow your instincts, body and mind awareness, as well as your e
motional capacity and intelligence. The mornings will start with gentle yoga, embodiment, and meditation sessions and during the days we will run two sets of workshop classes still leaving time to rest or explore the beautiful island.


Early  bird price with room and full board:

2150€ available until August 1st
Normal price with room and full board:

2450€ for bookings done after August 1st

See the pricing without accommodation below.

You can click the above booking link if you want to book a place on the retreat.


The deposit payment to confirm the booking is 750€ 

If you have any inquiries regarding the retreat prior your booking, please don't hesitate to contact us by email at 

You can also follow us on instagram at actorsacademyofficial or actorsacademyibiza

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Click here to read the feature of the last retreat on the White Ibiza online Magazine.

About The Retreat

This retreat will help you to tap into (or up-level) your acting skills, enhance your personal awareness and support you with tools to connect with your truth and alignment, as well as clarify your career and life goals.

Ever since childhood and throughout our lives we've learnt to close ourselves from our natural impulses, senses and emotions. How would it feel like to have the permission to be fully humane and wholesome? How would it feel to be fully seen and heard as your true self without masks? How would it feel to not fear confrontation or being connected and vulnerable with another?

Through the Authentic Me Retreat we dive back into your true self, especially into your emotional life and its empowering spectrum.


Through embodiment and somatic exercises, meditation and other tools and warm-ups in a variety of group and partner exercises we will learn to express ourselves, truly listen to another and to be present. The Meisner Technique acting classes will help you to access and express your truthful impulses based on your partner's behaviour, through exploration of the famous 'Repetition Exercise', 'Independent Activity' and 'Emotional Preparation' exercises. The retreat suits beginners and all levels of Meisner Technique students. At the end of the retreat, all pairs will have rehearsed a scene and the final scenes will be captured onto camera. Participants will receive the filmed material. 

Embodiment and awareness practices and meditation classes are built to connect you deeper into who you are, releasing restricting beliefs and patterns. This is crucial for creating a space that helps you tap deeper into your innate freedom and your unique instincts. 



"Nothing more magical than the courageous moment a person drops their mask and steps into their authenticity. Nothing more empowering for them and nothing more appealing to anyone in their presence."

- Nita Arpiainen



8:30 - 9:30            morning yoga/ body awareness/ meditation/ Breath work

9:30 - 10:30          breakfast 

11:00 - 13:00        workshop session 1

13:00 - 14:00        lunch 

14:00 - 17:00        free time & possible excursions

17:00 - 19:00        workshop session 2/ meditation, coaching

19:00 - 20:00        dinner 

20:00 - 22:00        yin yoga, excursion, movie night, group gathering

For actors (advanced and beginners) or for anyone wanting to understand and tap into their rich and empowering emotional life and the authentic human connections. For anyone wanting to create more freedom, courage and awareness in themselves. For anyone wanting to learn about the Meisner Technique or the basics of truthful acting. Also great for performers, directors, writers, artists, creatives and coaches.


Through this retreat you will:​​

  • Tools to release tension and restricting patterns in your body and mind, and how to access your natural self

  • Strengthened capacity to really listen and connect with your acting partner

  • A sense of freedom in yourself and deeper emotional expression and understanding

  • An enhanced capacity to drop down masks and live in your authenticity

  • Learn the Meisner technique Repetition and Independent activity practice, strengthen your acting instincts and capacity to take risks, and truly listen and follow spontaneous moment-to-moment impulses

  • Strengthened acting instincts and capacity to take risks, stronger trust in a sense of truth and spontaneous moment-to-moment impulses

  • Enhanced confidence towards improvised situations and means of working

  • Healthy and organic ways to let go of fear and pressure on stage, film-sets or within any performing or presentation situation to create a deeper connection and enjoyment in being in front of others 

  • Deeper understanding and tools to enhance the body-mind connection and the mindset that supports a successful life and career

  • Techniques and daily practices for a healthy and free mind-body balance

  • Tools to train the mind to support overall wellness and empowerment to accomplish one's desired goals

  • An edited version of your practiced scene filmed on the final day of the retreat




Sunday - Saturday

January 12th - 18th, 2025

Check in: Sunday January 12th, between 1 - 4 pm

Check out: Saturday January 18th, by 11 am

First class starts on Sunday 12th Janaury, 4 pm.



Ibiza, Spain​



  • Early-bird retreat tuition price with full room and board:

     2150€ (for bookings made by August 1st

  • Normal retreat tuition price with full room and board:

     2450€ (for bookings made after August 1st)


  • Early-bird retreat tuition price with full room and board:

     2550€ (for bookings made by August 1st

  • Normal retreat tuition price with full room and board:

     2950€ (for bookings made after August 1st)

The Full-board Tuition includes the following:
  • Accommodation​ in an exclusive villa in shared 2-person bedrooms (ask for single room price and availability)

  • Delicious and healthy meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

  • Coffee, tea, water and light snacks available during the day

  • Full retreat curriculum including workshop classes and coaching, yoga & meditation (approx. 5h per day)


The price without accommodation, including all meals:

  • Early bird price: 1750€ (for bookings made by August 1st)

  • Normal price: 1950€ (for bookings made after August 1st)

Please get in touch for Payment plans if needed.

Not included in the retreat tuitions:
  • Flights

  • Transportation to the villa from airport and to airport (taxi ride approximately 35-50€/way)

  • Optional excursions (horse back riding, island excursions etc and optional meals outside the villa)



Book your spot by paying the deposit of 750(book via booking link on top of page)

Final payment due December 2nd.



  • ​Places limited and will be filled on a 'first-come-first-serve' basis.

  • You do not need any previous experience, but an open and willing attitude is required 

  • Teaching language is English (please keep in mind that you do not need to have perfect English skills, and you do not need to worry about accent and pronunciation).

  • All rights to changes reserved.


  • Deposit 750€ paid by the time of booking, deposit non-refundable. The student is eligible to pass on their place to another participant if they wish.

  • Cancellations made by December 2nd, deposit non-refundable, remaining tuition not charged. The student is eligible to pass on their place to another participant if they wish.

  • No tuition refunds after December 2nd. The student is eligible to pass on their place to another participant if they wish.

  • In case the retreat needs to be cancelled due to travel bans etc., students will receive back their whole tuition including the deposit.

Nita Arpiainen_Acting Coach


Nita Arpiainen is is an actor and acting coach, yoga teacher, health and life coach and the founder of Actors Academy Finland. In her previous careers she has been a professional snowboarded and also worked as a TV presenter and producer. 

Nita's deep passion and curiosity for acting, learning and personal growth is the underlying motivation for AAF to come alive. The vision for AAF was formed while Nita attended numerous acting schools and workshops in London at the Actors Studio, Giles Forman Acting Studio, City Academy and the Actors Temple to name a few, ultimately falling profoundly in love with the Meisner Technique, and it making a powerful and lasting impact on the way she viewed acting. Nita has been studying the Meisner Technique with various teachers since 2015.

AAF has put together the One Year Actors Training as the optimal training course. It combines the expertise Nita has gathered on the subject around the world and eager to share it with her fellow actors.




The Retreat was pure magic! I learned that there is no certain feeling that would be right or wrong to the scene. I learned that I do not need to wait for permission or to be controlling my impulses because I think that they are wrong or embarrassing. I should just follow them. The participants were amazing and brave, I learned so much just watching them work. I think I learned that I need to be honest with myself and need to learn to trust myself. There is no point in lying to yourself just to keep others happy. I received some tools to help with that journey. (meditation and yoga) Nita  was pure magic! I enjoyed how free and playful she was. I felt completely safe and respected. The way she was teaching and pushing the participants to excel was amazing to witness. 11/5. I would definitely recommend this. Go and experience the magic.

- Saara


I loved the retreat. For me it was fabulous. It was so much - and more - than I expected it would be. For me personally, in addition to getting introduced to some of the basic skills of acting, this was profound inner work that really touched me deeply in ways that I wouldn't have expected. This workshop assisted me on many levels to be present, to be in the now, with myself and the other. I found Nita to be an excellent coach, guide and teacher. She held an amazing space. Not only for me as an individual, but for the group of us. Her skill in helping to bring me to where an actor needs to be: which is in the present, which is being in touch with their feelings, and observing where is the other - the partner with whom I was acting. She was excellent in coaching and guiding this dynamic that happened between the people in the exercises. I knew I was going to be pushed beyond what was comfortable and I didnt know what a profound deep positive effect this would have on me but here I am - with skills that I’m going to be using my whole life. I would absolutely recommend this retreat to others and for many other reasons in addition to acting. A full 5 stars.

- Billy

Actors Academy Finland and Nita are one of a kind. Full of purpose, full of drive and dedication for the greater good and for the greater opportunity of how we get to represent real presence, to being present to one another’s beauty, to one another’s joy and light for the world. The way Nita holds space if magical. She has a very skilled and attuned way of allowing oneself to really bring the best version of truth, integrity and honesty for the purpose of one’s true personal transformation.
- Eric Balance


The retreat was very powerful and Nita is an amazing space holder. As individuals, and as a collective, we were given support and nudges to unfold and offload in many ways. The group was lovely, dynamic, fun and also very loving and respectful.

It is a fantastic, intense program I would recommend to anyone whether they're into acting or not. It is a gift I am grateful I was able to receive.
- Elodie Lefebvre

Having worked with many acting coaches and within different establishments before coming to Actors Academy, I cannot but to praise the atmosphere of safety and growth Nita has created here. Often the necessity of trust within the space and between you and your coach is underestimated, but here it is in the core of everything. This to me, is what makes the difference. At AAF and with Nita you don't just learn useful tools as an actor, you learn to harness the full potential of you. And you do this knowing you are safe to take either small steps or huge leaps on your way, knowing she's got you if you can't seem to find where to land. In addition you are encouraged to find your joy within all this, find your why. I for sure found both. I have grown immensely as an actor, and as a human here and would highly recommend it for everyone.

- Suvi, actor

I was shaken in the best way possible by Nita’s workshop. I learned so much about myself as a performer and it opened for me an entirely different way to approach the craft of acting. Even with a group of persons that I had never met before I felt safe, connected, and free to explore my capabilities as an actor. I would so recommend this workshop to anyone and everyone! Even if you are not an actor, it is a way to tap back into the humanness of the self. FIVE STARRRRZZZZ!
- Marja, actor

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Nita. She was a very patient, compassionate coach. Working with her was intensive and challenged everyone to be brave and open to the unknown depth and dynamics of our rich inner life. Nita made sure that we felt safe and supported in doing so.  What I find most useful and important in the Meisner training is its focus on the other. By being utterly present with the other, I can be free to feel the emotions that arise from the circumstances,  authentic feelings, not manufactured in my head. I think this sense of inner liberation in authentic human connection is something anyone can benefit from, not just actors. I can only wish that the course like this would be available more often and for longer periods.

- Yuko, actor

More testimonials here.


How would it feel like to have the permission to be fully humane and wholesome? How would it feel like to be fully seen and heard as your true self without masks? How would it feel to not fear confrontation or being connected and vulnerable with another?


Ever since childhood and throughout our lives we've learnt to close ourselves from our natural impulses, senses and emotions. We dive back into your true self, especially into your emotional life and its empowering spectrum, through Yoga & Meditation alongside with other tools and exercises. In a variety of group and partner exercises we will learn to express ourselves, truly listen to another and to be present.


The Meisner Technique acting classes will help you to access and express your truthful impulses based on your partner's behaviour, through an exploration of the famous 'Repetition Exercise', 'Independent Activity' and 'Emotional Preparation'. The retreat suits beginners and all levels of Meisner students as you will be paired up with someone with the same experience and you can work on the level you at the moment. 

The Meisner technique is an approach to acting which was developed by the American theatre practitioner Sanford Meisner. The focus of the Meisner approach is for the actor to "get out of their head", such that the actor is behaving instinctively to the surrounding environment. To this end, some exercises for the Meisner technique are rooted in repetition so that the words are deemed insignificant compared to the underlying emotion. In the Meisner technique, there is a greater focus on the other actor as opposed to one's internal thoughts or feelings associated with the character.​


Sanford Meisner said that his approach to training “is based on bringing the actor back to his emotional impulses and acting that is firmly rooted in the instinctive. It is based on the fact that all good acting comes from the heart, as it were, and that there’s no mentality to it.”


Learn to live in the moment as an actor, and let go of any idea of the result. Learn what it means to really “do” and to respond truthfully to a given moment based on what you get from your partner. Through improvisation, emotional truth and personal response learn to resonate authenticity within a given circumstance. Only in this way will you begin to understand the definition of real acting, which is “to live truthfully under the imaginary circumstances”.


“If you want to reach every person in the audience, it's not about being bigger, it's about going deeper.” - Sanford Meisner

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