THE Acting Workshop
with Anthony Meindl
May 26 - 28, 2023
Helsinki, Finland

Photo Keke Leppälä
From Page, to Stage, to Set. Stop overthinking. Get Free. Get Casting Directors to watch more than 15 seconds of your tape. Start seeing yourself in the Lead Role and not just in the bit parts. Get on your feet and work with confidence and joy and finally trust that you’re enough the way you want to do it.
"I love working with actors because I'm committed to teaching the artist to rely more and more on instinct. In doing so, the pure potential of the moment reveals itself." - Anthony Meindl
Friday 16:00 - 21:00
Saturday 10:00 - 17:00
Sunday 10:00 - 17:00
About The Event
This Acting Intensive is designed to demystify the nature of taking a role from the page to the stage or screen. Why are we taught to act “perfectly” when what makes a great performance is when we allow ourselves to be fully expressed as our beautiful, weird, messy selves. Learn to win back your power, do it as you, stop second-guessing everything you are doing and give a performance you are excited about.
For actors, directors, writers and artist - and other creatives alike, and to anyone wanting to enhance their capacity to be present, understand their emotional life and authentic human connection deeper.
Through this workshop you will:
• Learn how to make bold choices and have a point-of-view that’s visceral and exciting
• Strengthen your capacity to really listen and connect with another
• Deepen your emotional expression and awareness
• Strengthen your self-confidence and intuition, and your capacity to drop down masks and step into your authenticity
• Learn the Art of the “F*ck It” and apply it to some of the best self-tape work you will feel free to express.
• Workshop price: 545€ incl. VAT 24% (Part-payment available)
• Observer places: 200€ incl. VAT 24% (email us)
• Time: 26. - 28.5.2023 / Friday 16- 21:00, Saturday & Sunday 10-17:00
• Location: Actors Academy Studio Pursimiehenkatu 26H, Helsinki
• Place is limited and will be filled on 'first-come first-serve basis'.
• The booking for all events and workshops is binding. You can cancel 30 days prior the event and receive a 50% return of your payment or you can pass on your spot to another person without an extra fee.
• Teaching language is English (Please keep in mind that you do not need to have perfect English skills, and you do not need to worry about accent and pronunciation).
• No previous experience needed, the course is open to anyone.
• All rights to changes reserved.
• You can find the event on Facebook in this link here.
Anthony Meindl started Anthony Meindl’s Actor Workshop 26 years ago. He now has the largest scene study studio in Los Angeles and locations in 10 other cities around the world: New York, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Atlanta, Sydney, Chicago, Copenhagen and Cape Town. He has been the guest acting teacher for directing at David Lynch’s Master of Filmmaking Program, and has guest lectured at the prestigious Moscow Arts Theatre, The National Theatre School of Ireland, The Actors Centre London, The Danish National School of Performing Arts and others. His latest feature film, Where We Go From Here sold to HULU. He is the author of five books, including best-sellers, At Left Brain Turn Right and Book the F*cking Job and his latest book Unstuck was released in 2021.
He has been a passionate voice in helping actors everywhere understand their worth and advocate for themselves and their own creativity. He has broken myths around the business and what often holds actors back.
“For my first acting classes, I was, like, ‘What the f– am I doing here? This is so scary.’ But my acting coach, Anthony Meindl, taught me it’s all about the act of surrender and ‘the art of listening,’ as opposed to being in your head. That’s the only technique he has for acting, as simple as it is.” – VARIETY Magazine, Camilla Cabello, Grammy Nominee
“I think Tony is absolutely incredible and coming to class for me isn’t just about letting loose and growing my ability as an actor but more sometimes to really open up myself to the universe and just be. Sometimes I find him saying things that I mentally live by and its so refreshing to constantly hear them being affirmed. Thank you so much for every week re-instilling that positivity and creativity and openness within. You allow me as an actor to forget about the character and remember about Shailene, which makes every movement, moment and word so authentic and true. I’m so grateful to have you as a mentor.” – Shailene Woodley, 2-Time Golden Globe Nominee & Emmy Nominee
“Anthony has such a talent at helping the actor accept and stay with the moment. The moment to moment aliveness where all the magic can be found. His process saved me from overthinking, and to just embrace myself as an artist in the process of creation. Also he’s hilarious and reminds you that acting can and should be a joy!” – Daryl McCormack, BAFTA Nominee for ``Good Luck to You, Leo Grande`` on Hulu
Any great piece of art, music, or dance is created in-spirit without self-criticism.”
― Anthony Meindl